How to talk about personal finances in dating and relationships?

One of the things that professional singles have difficulty talking about is finances. The problem is, it’s a touchy subject, and no one wants to appear to be greedy. The problem is, you’ve worked hard to get where you are, and it’s vital that you hook up with someone who has the same values. It’s not enough in today’s world to get an education, you’ve also got to put it to good use. The person you choose to settle down with must have the same work ethic and values. Settling for anything short of that, and you’re setting yourself up for the type of failure that you should never experience.

Be as transparent as possible about your income

No one is saying that you need to bring your tax returns when you meet your HEHE Match. You do need to be honest and upfront about how much money you make. It’s okay to give a ballpark figure when you’re first dating. You don’t need to tell your date how much you make per paycheck down to the last cent. After a short period of dating, both of you should have an idea of how much the other makes. It’s not enough to know what kind of car they drive and where they live. You might feel that it’s a bad thing to be so concerned about money, but you’ve got to think about down the line. If you want to start a family someday, money will come into play when it comes to raising children.

Ask questions concerning career development

If you’re under 30, you may not know the direction your career is going. Asking your date where they see themselves career-wise five or ten years down the line is fair game. We live in a world where people are changing careers several times during their life. You aren’t crossing the line asking where they are headed career-wise. It would be foolish not to ask where they see themselves in the future if you’re planning on being a part of that future. A person’s future aspirations say a lot about who they are and where they’re headed.

Being a professional is about more than having a job title

You’ve worked so hard to get where you’re at in life. Every day you try to better yourself, and you need to date someone who lives the same way. Settling for anything short of that isn’t doing yourself justice. You must understand there’s nothing wrong with wanting to date someone as focused on the future as you are. If anything, it’s your duty to yourself to find someone who has planned and done everything possible to make their future as bright as possible. Success doesn’t happen out of the blue, it’s the result of hard work and dedication. It’s not greedy or selfish to expect the person you date to be as focused on success as you are.
