Speed Dating — Special Love at Special Times (5/8 – Chinese Special)
A gift from HEHE Match to Chinese single professionals who are keen to find their soulmates/true love. Recommended age: 30 – 45
About this Event
一份来自和合婚恋婚介公司的礼物– 送给渴望找到自己的知己/真爱的中国单身专业人士或者想找中国单身的专业人士。建议年龄:30-45
A gift from HEHE Match to Chinese single professionals who are keen to find their soulmates/true love. Recommended age: 30 – 45
About this event:
1. 中文版
1. Chinese translation
新冠已经以多种不同的方式影响了全球各地的人们。为了对抗这种流行病,总部位于多伦多的高科技以及创新理念领先的和合婚恋婚介为支持职业单身人群, 爱心发起自2020年5月至2020年12月共8场系列免费的快速相亲活动。
该举措旨在帮助中国职业单身人群因当下史无前例的全球大疫情而导致的更大的距离感和社会疏远感,实现安全虚拟线下派对。 和合婚恋婚介旨在为渴望找到自己的灵魂伴侣而不是玩伴的单身人士提供一个与他们志趣相投的人士实现面对面并一对一地交流以更有效的方式实现他们的情感目标。
我们过去的活动受到专业单身人士的好评。参加者在反馈中给我们留下了很高的评价,有些人将该活动评为10颗星(尽管最高级是5颗星)。看见往期的单身们在活动中开心的样子,甚至遇见心仪的单身专业人士, 我们无比自豪与开心。
©和合创新式嫁接灵魂伴侣的桥梁!™ 保留所有权利。服务条款和隐私政策适用
2. 英文版
2. English verison
Welcome to our next complimentary virtual speed dating event on Monday, Sep 28th, 2020 at 9 am – 10:30 am EDT (i.e. 9 pm – 10:30 pm CST/Chinese Standard Time). This will be our 5th out of 8 complimentary speed dating events (value $100/person).
Covid19 has affected people around the globe in many different ways. In the fight against the pandemic, HEHE Match, a leading innovative, high-tech dating, and matchmaking company headquartered in Toronto is supporting the professional singles community by launching a series of complimentary virtual Speed Dating events starting May 2020 till December 2020.
This initiative is intended to safely unite professional singles despite being apart in quarantine, self-isolation, or social distancing. HEHE Match aims to provide single professionals who are keen to find their soulmates not hookups with an opportunity to mingle and network with like-minded others face to face and one-on-one.
Our 8 minutes/round speed dating activity may effectively and efficiently lead to meet your true love during a short period of time.
Our past events were very well received by professional singles. Our attendees gave us high marks in their feedback and some rated the events as high as 10 stars. We are thrilled to know they enjoying themselves and some even had a crush on each other during the Happy Hour.
Spots are limited, register NOW, and arrive in time to avoid disappointment!!!
For more information, please visit the official website: www.hehematch.com
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